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Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike

If you love Counter-Striker, you cannot skip the Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike 1.05 APK Free Download For Android.

If you are an introvert who wishes to play games in offline mode, or simply a player usually have to travel to many places for works and you cannot be sure that your computer will always connect to the Internet, this game is created for someone like you. It is the action game with full shots to eliminate your enemies.

This Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike APK For Android is a first-person shooter game that is similar to Counter-striker but it uses AI machines to play in offline mode.

The way to play this game is not difficult. You just use the joystick to move around the settings and then click on the screen and turn around. When you see the enemies, they will be shot by the game system until they are really dead. It also has the button for you to click and jump, or reload the weapon. In order to track the status of the enemies whether they are dead or not, look at the radar located in your left-hand of the screen. At that time, hunt them until they disappear from your radar.

The difficulty level of Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike APK For Android

Wrap up

In this Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike APK For Android, you can purchase more modern and latest weapons when you earn a lot of money. With them, you can become invincible that all enemies have to be afraid of. Before that, you will have to begin the game with some basic weapons just like a knife, a gun, or an assault rifle. You can still kill all your enemies by watching and hunting them, as long as you do not give up, you will be successful.

How To Install Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike APK


8Square Games
42 MB
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