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Classic Bingo: Offline

Classic Bingo – (Offline) APK is an interesting game that you can experience completely free on your Android device. You can play the game wherever you are, whenever you want.

About Classic Bingo – (Offline) APK for Android

This is one of the most popular games in the world. The goal is to mark the numbers shown on your bingo card as quickly as possible. To win, first take 5 adjacent numbers in any direction to form a line, either orthogonal or diagonal.

When you get bingo, click the bingo button to win the game. You can play the game on a card that is divided into squares. Each card has five rows and five columns. Columns are labeled from left to right with the letters “B,” “I,” “N,” “G,” and “O.”

The five squares in column B contain different numbers that you select from range 1 to 15.

Column I contains five numbers from the range of 16 to 30. Column N contains four numbers from the range of 31 to 45. Column G contains five numbers from the range of 46 to 60. Column O contains five numbers from about 61 to 75.

An announcer randomly selects numbers from 1 to 75. He calls out each number while players tick the appropriate square if the number appears on their card. In standard Classic Bingo, the player’s goal is to be the first to mark an entire row, column, or diagonal.

There are 12 winning configurations. Eight of these configurations do not involve using the “blank” space in the middle, while four do.

Classic Bingo – (Offline) APK is really an interesting game that you should not ignore for your Android device.

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