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Rio crime city: mafia gangster 3.4

Rio crime city: mafia gangster 3.4 APK is an open world action game where players will need to tackle missions while doing whatever they want as gangsters

GTA showed off something of an open-world action game. Since the launch of San Andreas, dozens of games have been released that mimic this formula, more or less by chance. This game is one of them, a game where the player steps into the role of a criminal who has to solve crime missions.

Move back to the city to do crime work and solve quests

This is an action game in which players have to face all kinds of crooks to collect our debt. These will try to finish us off, but luckily we can give them what they deserve, even though this puts all the organized bands in the city after us. And, of course, so are the police.

The mechanics of the game are common in this type of title. That is, the player needs to travel to different points in the arena to solve the quest; however, we can also go from place to place vandalizing everything we see, arresting pedestrians, stealing cars and motorbikes… anything that seems appropriate for improvement classifying us as criminals.

How To Install Rio crime city: mafia gangster APK

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