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Call of Duty: Strike Team

Call of Duty Strike Team 1.0.40 APK For Android is one of the best first-person shooter franchises which designed for Android smartphones.

It is said that the third view became essential for tactical positioning. Playing this game, you will understand the reason. The third view shows the players a wider range of vision so that they can observe clearly.

Download the Call of Duty Strike Team 1.0.40 APK For Android, and you will not disappoint with its exciting content. Though it first debuted for more than 15 years, in 2003, its attraction has showed no signal of the collapse but keeps increasing year by year, so it is not overstating to claim that this game is one of the most successful series in the history games.


Those new features allow you to organize a soldier’s squad tactically to use the third-person view.

The battle happens in a fictitious world in 2020 in which an unknown enemy attacks the US Army, so they have to wage war no matter who they are. Your mission is to customize each member of your special operations group of the army and try to execute all soldiers of your enemy. Remember to focus so you can avoid shooting your members.

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Activision Publishing, Inc.
29.2 MB
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