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Bixby Voice

Bixby Voice APK Free Download For Android is designed to be a personal assistant for Samsung Galaxy devices. It is a part of the popular app Bixby together with Bixby Home and Vision.

Talk a little bit about Bixby, it is the digital voice assistant made by Samsung. It is incorporated into Samsung devices. It has a tendency to assist users to deal with their doubts as same as the function of Cortana, Google Now, or Siri on iPhone.

And now we will introduce one of three parts of Bixby that is Bixby Voice, the voice functions of your assistant. As mentioned above, Bixby consists of three parts including Bixby Home, Vision, and Voice. Voice will pay attention to the work of connecting users through voice coming along with various functions of the assistant.


Don’t hesitate to download Bixby Voice and use it in combination with two other parts of Bixby to have better results.

How To Install Bixby Voice APK


Samsung Electronics
41.1 MB
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