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Angry Birds Stella

Angry Birds Stella 1.1.5  APK Free Download For Android is the latest version in the famous Angry birds series of Finnish developer – Rovio. Your responsibility in this game is that you will join Stella and your companions in protecting the Golden Island from the greedy Bad Princess and hordes of henchmen. You have to face new challenges and try to use your new abilities to cross 120 levels.

Some tips for playing Angry Birds Stella

The specialty of this version is that it has been added many new improvements such as crazy birds have become female birds, very well-mannered but capable of extremely large attacks and extremely novel attacks. You absolutely have to overcome a lot of challenges to become the winner. You will still use the slingshot and shoot accurately at the protective objects so that the pigs hiding in them are destroyed as soon as possible. The rule is very simple but from level 10 you should apply these tips to defeat all of them:

  1. Stella: The specialty of this bird is that they can fly very fast and change the direction is flexible too
  2. Poppy: This bird appears when you reach level 12. With the full of powerful, they can attack everything like a storm because of the Tornado Dive energy they own.
  3. Luca: You will meet him when you reach stage 23. He has the Soundwave Shock – a scream that shatters all layers of glass including the overlapping glass, however, it is lucky for you to know that this scream only works for glasses. And you can use this weak point to defeat him.
  4. Willow: This bird has the power named Vortex Spin, it appears at level 34.
  5. Dahlia: This is a competitor that you have to notice more, It is good at technology so it can help other birds have accurate communication and logical thinking, appearing at level 47 with the power of Science-Fu.

Angry Birds Stella is a game that helps you to practice a lot of skill in life that is also the great intellectual games that you should try.

How To Install Angry Birds Stella APK


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